Course Selection

24-25 Course Selection Process

Course selection for the 2024-25 school year is approaching:
Ridgetop Middle School 2024-25 Course Catalog

6th Graders

April 10-19: CKSD Middle School Counselors will visit current 5th grade students in their elementary schools to share information about middle school and how they will request their elective class.

April 25th, 6:30-7:30PM (subject to change): Parent Information Night for Ridgetop Middle School bound students at Ridgetop.

April 25 - May 1 (approximate): CKSD will make an electronic google form available to parents as the tool for requesting their student's elective class .

Students are REQUIRED to have the Course Request Form signed by parent/guardians in order to complete course request process.

7th & 8th Graders
Week of March 18:  Ridgetop Counselors will meet with our current 6th and 7th grade students during the school day to hand out elective course request materials and explain how the request process works.

Week of March 25: Ridgetop Counselors will meet with our current 6th and 7th grade students in their science classes to help them enter their elective course requests into Power School.
9th Graders
Information for Central Kitsap High School

Information for Olympic High School (coming soon)