To report an absence, please contact the Attendance office by calling 662-2930.
In complying with state law, students are expected to be present at school and on time to class.
Excused Absence will be issued for the following reasons:
- Personal illness
- Death in the family
- Other emergencies which, in the school’s judgment, require the student to be absent
- Religious holiday or observance
Parents have two school business days after a student has returned to school to ask that a student’s absence be excused. After this time the absence will be marked unexcused.
Unexcused Absence will be issued for the following reasons:
- Truancy
- Reason for absence is not justifiable
- Student fails to bring a note from parent/guardian
BECCA: After SEVEN unexcused absences in a 30 day period or FIFTEEN unexcused absences in a school year, it is the responsibility of the school by state law to file the Truancy Petition.
Absence: Parents/guardians may call the attendance office 24 hours a day to report or excuse students’ absence. If leaving a message, clearly state your student’s name, your relationship to the student, date(s) of absence and reason(s) for absence. Students may also give the Attendance Office a written note (from parent/guardian) with the same information signed by a parent/guardian. A parent/guardian may also email the Attendance Office - [email protected]
We have a callout system that places a call in the evening to the homes of students who have missed 1 or more classes during the day.