Ridgetop School Policy
School Behavior Plan
Ridgetop Junior High School is a community of learners who expect and respect proper behavior in all the activities that bring us together. Whether we gather as learners or celebrants, spectators or participants, or just enjoy the company of our fellow students and staff, we follow and model appropriate behavior that maximizes our potential to learn and interact with each other.
- Central Kitsap School District Mission: Equip our students with the knowledge and skills to succeed and prosper in an ever-changing global society..
School Mission: Staff, students, and parents work to develop responsibility, respect, and life-long learning.
- Expectations for students:
- Classrooms: Students will be responsible for their own learning. This includes coming to class prepared, on time, and ready to engage in learning. All students will be free from harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Every child will have a free and appropriate education without disruption.
- Common areas (hallways, bathrooms, lunchroom, etc.) Students will be expected to behave in an orderly manner in common areas. This includes no running, horseplay, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
- Assemblies – All students will enter and exit assemblies in an orderly manner and will demonstrate respectful and appropriate behavior during assemblies.
- Buses – Students will follow Student Rights & Responsibilities.
- After school activities-expectation is that students will be picked up or off school grounds by 15 minutes after school ends unless they are in a supervised activity.
- School rules apply from the time students leave home until the time they return home. This includes all field trips and school activities.
- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB):
- Definition
Harassment, intimidation and bullying are synonyms. They are behaviors that are any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including, but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 9A36.080(3),* or other distinguishing characteristics when the intentional written, verbal or physical act:
- physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
- is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
- has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
* race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation; or mental or physical ability; or other distinguishing characteristics (physical appearance, clothing, appearance, socio-economic status, clothing, other apparel, gender identity, martial status).
- Expectations: All children will be free from Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying on the way to and from school, and while at school. Students will learn pro-active measures to decrease HIB.
- Consequences: Students will be disciplined according to Student Rights and Responsibilities. Students who bully will be counseled about the underlying causes of bullying. Students who have been victimized will be provided comfort and care whenever appropriate.
- School-wide interventions and preventions:
- Administrator – Student Grade Level Assemblies, Classroom Presentation 1st/2nd Semester, August Staff Training
- Teacher – Classroom Instruction, Homeroom Student Lessons and Expectation Exam, Assembly & Hallway Supervision Zones, Grade Level Sexual Harassment Lessons
- School Programs – Second Chance, Student Mediation, Power Raiders, Intervention Room, Tardy Policy, Student of Concern Committee
- School-wide consequences:
- Lunch Detention
- Work Detail
- After-School Detention
- In-School Suspension
- Out-of-School Suspension
- Expulsion
- Restitution
- Data collection steps:
- Student referrals to administrator or designee by staff. (referral forms attached)
- Categories of behavior infractions in student behavior database: SASI
Aslt/Btry–Staff |
Disrespect |
Inapp Language |
Theft<$25 |
Aslt/Btry-Stud |
Disruptive Behav |
NoShow ISS |
Threaten Staff |
Alter Records |
Unsafe Driving |
UALeaving SchG |
Threaten Stud |
Arson |
Explos,Use/Poss |
Lying |
TobaccoUse/Poss |
Biting |
Extortion |
Malic Mischief |
Trespassing |
BusNonCooper |
False Alarm |
Misuse School Eq |
Truancy |
BusSafety |
Fighting |
Obstruction |
UA Comm Device |
Manip Safty Eqp |
Fighting in Lab |
Prod of Paraph |
Unintent Dist |
Cum/Mult Violat |
Forgery |
Profanity |
UA Area |
Drug/Alch Poss |
Fireworks |
MisconRepeated |
Verbal Dispute |
Drug/Alch Sale |
Firearms |
Running Away |
Vandalism |
Drug/Alch Infl |
HarassIntBully |
Safety Rule Lab |
Weapon Possess |
Defiance |
Hands/Feet On |
Chronic Tardy |
NoShow Det/WD |
Sexual Harassmt |
Theft>$25 |
- Behavior and sanctions will be recorded by administrative staff on referral form.
- Behavior and sanctions will be recorded by secretarial staff in SASI.
- Behavior reports will be produced and analyzed by the assistant principal and Ridgetop Management Team at the end of each semester, for the purpose of monitoring progress.
- Goals and strategies will be established for reducing high frequency behaviors.
- Goal: Increase the number of students on time to class.
Strategy: Continued use of the RIJH Tardy Policy. When tardy to class, all students report to the security officer who tracks and administers progressive discipline for tardies. This allows consistency and accountability for all students at RIJH.
- Goal: Increase recycling, safety, and raise student consciousness and accountability with respect to cleanliness and appropriate cafeteria behavior.
Strategy: Implementation of new cafeteria expectations (staying seated, raising hands, responsibility for table cleanliness) along with increased monitoring and supervision
- Goal: Reduce the impact of conflicts between students.
Strategy: Swift administrative action and student mediation when feasible.
- Goal: Students move safely and respectfully through the halls.
Strategy: Teachers in zones, announcement in the bulletin, signs in halls, administrator classroom presentations.
- Communication:
- The Ridgetop Management Team will review and revise the School Behavior Plan during October and May of each school year.
- Students will be informed of the School Behavior Plan during class time, and during an assembly by the end of the second week of school each year.
- At the beginning of the year, parents will be informed of the School Behavior Plan by way of sending home the Parent Handbook, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and signing a Behavior Expectations Letter. In addition, updates and reminders will be given through school newsletters and back-to-school family events.
- Resources:
- British Columbia Be A Safe School Website
- Bruised Inside, The National Association of Attorneys General, April 2001
- Safe School Project
- Protecting Students From Hate Crimes, US Dept. of Ed. For Office For Civil Rights
- Office of The Superintendent of Public Instruction; www.k12.wa.us
- Partnership4learning.org